Sunday, March 29, 2009

earth hour 2009

we observed earth hour last night, from 8:30-9:30.

everybody gathered at mummy's house, so #45 was in total darkness.

we lit lots and lots of tea light, mak ngah, pak ngah and umar happened to visit, umar did not seem to have problems in the dark.

the kids passed the time telling stories, remembering the riddles and jokes they heard and re-telling them. it was as much fun trying to answer the riddles and listening to them trying to help out each other in telling the stories.

even the fans were switched off, am pretty proud of the children.

they even went out at 8:30 to check if the neighbours all observed earth hour, and good thing they all did -- the kids could have pretty laser mouths at times :).

Friday, March 27, 2009


last friday, papa took leave as it was the school holidays.

After FRiday prayers, he took the kids to watch geng.

Boo hoo! and it was my suggestion, and I was so looking forward to taking the kids watch geng, but ibu had a programme with the students at work that day.

It didn't help a colleague had watched it and said it was cool.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

still a long time away

everyday, azraf will ask, 'ibu, how big is the baby now?'
november is a long time away :).

I should let him go to websites that chart a baby's growth in weeks, don't think they have any by days.

bad days mean lethargy and splitting headaches. I think the headaches are also withdrawal symptoms from caffeine. so I should be thankful, just nauseuos (sp?) without actual throwing up, it just that that might be a little uncomfortable when you're standing in front of class...

classes are over soon, beach whaling season coming.

hania wants to share the news with her friends already.

they keep rubbing my tummy.

like I said, november is a long time away.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

a little excitement

was on leave wednesday.
we sent amjad and syazmi to robotics camp and then went to the dr with azraf and najwan.
azraf was like, why are we here? and we said, just wait and see.
it was a toss-up who got to see the dr first -- azraf was scheduled at the dentist next door.
but ibu's turn came first, and it finally dawned on abang de as he was watching the u/s image what was happening :) :) :)

and they couldn't wait to spread the word around as soon as they got home.
the u/s printout that we got is now pretty much well-worn.
and abang de is so into the new baby. he pored over the 'big book of knowledge' and carefully went through the diagrams and comparing it with the baby.
amjad was speechless at first but is now very protective -- najwan cannot squeeze the baby.
they couldn't wait for mummy to come out of the car before telling her the news.
syakira called mama but mama was at work and she just wanted to tell humayraa, she had to tell someone.
they all wanted to skype grandma to tell her the news.
they have to wait until atok comes home from fishing before they can tell him. the baby's EDD is coincidentally 5/11.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

pets up-date

the fishes are breeding!

instead of three different 'homes' all the fishes are now in the nicely decorated pot that papa made for najwan's fishes.

and they're so excited, there are now 2 baby fishes in there.

Monday, March 02, 2009

usrah @ home

today, we begin a new programme with the kids.

after the solat maghrib berjemaah, the kids will take turns conducting usrah. how did we tell them what an usrah is? we just said, it's like cafe akhil hayy -- when he talks to the teens in the surau. so score 1 for tv :).

today we began with syazmi. he chose to read out a paragraph he found about the Qur'an. it went ok for a first try, not a lot of discussion, but insya-Allah, we'll get there by and by.

the current schedule is:
monday: angah
tuesday: kak de
wednesday: abah
thursday: abang
friday: hania
saturday: papa
sunday: mummy/ibu