Friday, July 01, 2011

Najwan again

recently concluded phone conversation with the 6 y.o.

Ibu: dah solat?
N: belum.
Ibu: Solat dulu then.
N: solat apa?
Ibu: Solat zuhurlah.
N: dah pukul 4 dah, solat asar je lah.

definitely good things:
a) he doesn't lie
b) he knows the solat names and their times
c) he can tell time

still making up my mind whether this is good or not
a) negotiation skills

it's probably good just now in the immediate context!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Back again!


Wow! The cobwebs have surely gathered strength here, luckily spring cleaning is not that difficult online :)

Just a question of trying to be more consistent in writing, and as one of the things to do is to really write, this blog has to really get going again. Maybe getting the ipad2 is the way to do it (thanks sayang for this gift). Although the more pressing pieces of writing would be those articles, the motto for now is 'just write'. Ha ha, not that original, but it'll do.

The baby is now going to be 19 months old soon, and she certainly has everyone wrapped around her fingers. She is demanding excusive attention right now so ciao!