Thursday, March 29, 2007


last night, we sent their kakak sahrim to mama's house. she left for a months' break back to lombok.

so our adventures begin.

the kids, all except for najwan, are independent enough. and there's mak ngah, so we're not like totally in a bad shape.

but there's still one week of class to get through, and mummy has 2 projects, and papa's leaving for india for a few days in april (that china trip had better be a joke!) so we're still not just sitting pretty....

last night, before going to sleep, amjad reminded me to be up early as kakak would not be downstairs with him. that was okay since I had an early class anyway. left the alarm on for papa just in case, so that he could get azraf ready for school on time.

there's been a few phone calls already this morning.

oh, I forgot to remind amjad to take out the clothes from the washing machine and hang them when he gets back from school.

amjad practised ironing his own clothes two days ago.

Friday, March 23, 2007

tying shoe lace

this morning, amjad proudly told me, "i can now tie up my shoe lace."

amjad is 10.

how times change. when we were in school, of course one of the most important things we have to learn before going to standard 1 was how to tie up our shoe laces. the teachers were not going to tie up our shoe laces for us if we didn't know how. those who had that pre-velcro type of shoes then were the 'rich' kids.

now, the only shoes these kids want to wear to school are velcro shoes. like we're going to buy them anything else -- it's not that we're richer, but velcro shoes are now the same price as laced shoes, and we'll by-pass the hassle of teaching the kids how to tie up their shoe laces and worse still -- hunting for lost shoe laces!

the other kids have yet to realize that there are shoes with laces.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

the climber and the aper

= the monkey???

this may sound bad, but najwan is such a monkey boy at times! Such a cheeky monkey boy that he's getting away with everything!

everything like eating only the middle of the cucumber and then offering the outer ring to others.
... like drawing his hand and legs with whatever writing utensils he manages to get his hands on.
... like climbing up the stool and the breakfast table while others are eating
... like insisting on eating (again!) when others are eating
... like joining someone who's already praying by praying in front of that person
... etc etc

he's now in two-word utterances. so far, it's just combining 'nak' + 'noun'.

he'll also try to imitate whatever sounds he hears. he can do longer imitations now and not just the last syllable.

oh yeah, he's growing up.

my baby will be 2 in 2 1/2 weeks time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

midnight sojourn

najwan has gotten a new habit this past two weeks.

at around 4 am, he'll wake up, and presumably looks around and finds that only his siblings are in the room, and starts bawling.

the first few times, it was usually hania who would wake up and bring her brother to our room. if the door's locked, you can hear her knocking and saying -- adik najwan kat luar ni. as if we wouldn't know since he would be bawling all that time.

the past few nights, hania found her way to our room earlier than najwan. but najwan has learnt to make his own way to our room and climbed on the bed, while bawling.

last night, it was even merrier, shortly after najwan bawled and wriggled his way to our bed, amjad came to pick out his own spot.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

the sniffles

najwan had the sniffles last week.

azraf caught it this week and some. he had the high temperature and also the cough. hmmm... well, it has been some time since he last saw his dr aminah. so he's been out of school this week. but he'll probably be well enough to go on the school trip to the national library this friday :).

najwan still has the sniffles, but alhamdulillah, that didn't seem to bother him much. he's just a trite jealous when abang de gets to be carried here and there (kaki bang de sakit huk huk ...) but he's too busy climbing here and there and going 'cicakmaaaan' to really make an issue of it.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


recent phone conversation with 2005 babies.


syameel: lo
me: hello, syameel.
syameel: [silence]
me: panggil mama.
syameel: lo.


me: hello
abang/kak ngah/kak de etc: ibu, tunggu kejap ya, adik nak cakap.
me: ok
najwan: HELLO
me: hi sweetie.
najwan: dah. [hang-up]