Monday, August 07, 2006

stinky arms

did you know that if you rub your arms together, your arms will smell very stinky?

hania was doing this, and then Grandma said "nanti bau busuk, macam tahi ayam," and hania smiled and nodded, indicating that was her intention anyway.

that got everybody else's attention. so Syakira and Amjad and Hania and even Grandma were rubbing away and going 'ewwww' and then going hysterical. Poor Syazmi was doing his very best to smell the stinky smell but for reasons unknown, he couldn't smell it, even when the others were going 'ewwww'.

Mummy and Ibu were just laughing watching them doing this. We didn't know this before. So now we do, and so do you.

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