Friday, October 10, 2008

Third time lucky!

We first hustled Azraf to the dentist for his first tooth extraction in April after we noticed his permanent tooth was already out. Dr Salwa took a look and said the milk tooth wasn't budging at all, and she said the permanent tooth would push to the front and loosen up the milk tooth and then it would be ready for extraction. She didn't want to have to inject Azraf and after our experience with Hania, oh yes, definitely no injection if we could avoid it.

In June, after MUCH persuasion we managed to get Hania to the dentist to extract her tooth. The previous visit, she was literally screaming when she was bundled inside the car. So Azraf also had his second visit with Dr Salwa. Nope, not loose enough. (and in Hania's case, that particular visit made her feel a little less terrified of the dentist).

This Wednesday (8 Oct), Azraf was playing with abang and he got kicked in the mouth, which knocked his tooth loose. So we hustled yet again to the dentist, with Azraf also knowing this time this was it -- he was finally going to get his first tooth out. I guess it's hard being the last kid in the class who still has all his baby teeth.

When the dental nurse called his name out, he rushed inside the room and right away went up the chair and smiled eagerly. The nurse was surprised :).

A little spray, and Dr Salwa has his tooth out. One more growing up milestone.

Azraf is eager for the next visit, he very proudly sported his cotton-filled mouth :). The person who seemed that wasn't a fun visit was Najwan who saw it all.

Hmm.. looking at the date -- he has to choose his dentist aunt's birthday -- happy birthday uda.

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