Thursday, May 15, 2008

tooth still there

azraf has had his bottom tooth loose and the permanent one peeking up since early april. we went to the dentist who said the milk teeth should be much looser in a month's time as the permanent one moved to the front.

6 weeks already (from the time we went to the dentist, the new tooth has been out for about 2 months now, and we are not seeing much progress.

so auntie dentist, what's the verdict? been composing in my head the post on his first tooth out for some time now.


Unknown said...

hey, sufeeya's top 2 teeth are starting to goyang dah... and she is excited about it, coz she said she'll be just like kak ngah nia!

saraharis said...

u tak goyang kan the tooth, also any sign of the other one? ce tanya sufeeya how it was for oh so rusty...